Treatment Options & Tips
Treatment Options & Tips
Lifestyle Changes
Smoking Cessation
Drink Plenty of Water
Exercise Regularly
Eat Well
Get Plenty of Rest
Maintenance Medications:
Oxygen Therapy
Rescue Medications:

Get Organised
Organise your medication with a pill box, a chart, or around routine events like meals or brushing your teeth to make it easier to remember to take your medication and easier to tell if you’ve missed a dose.

Check With Your Insurance
Check with your insurance plan to see which are the preferred medications on the plan, and see if your health care provider thinks your disease can be managed well with those medications. Using preferred medications may save you money.

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders
Do not skip your medication or skimp on your doses. Not taking the right amount of your medication can make your COPD worse and may result in an expensive hospitalisation.

Rescue Medications Can Help
Use inhalers and nebulisers properly so you get the full benefit of the medication. Your healthcare provider will show you how to use your inhaler(s) and/or nebuliser.