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Asked Questions
FAQs of Oxygen Therapy
For questions specific to battery life, weight, product specifications, accessories and more, see the product pages.
How do I select which oxygen therapy device is best for me?Selecting an oxygen therapy device is based on your prescription from the doctor. Devices range in size and weight based on the amount of oxygen they deliver to you. CAIRE’s smallest portable oxygen concentrators deliver pulse flow only. If continuous flow or higher pulse flow settings are required larger units must be employed to deliver oxygen to you. Regardless of your prescription, CAIRE offers the full continuum of care for your oxygen therapy.
What is the difference between pulse flow and continuous flow?Pulse flow delivers oxygen intermittently when the user inhales through their nose. The oxygen device senses inhalation and delivers a bolus (a puff of oxygen) with each breath. Pulse flow is generally used for portability exclusively because it conserves oxygen to extend battery life and/or activity time. All CAIRE portable oxygen concentrators provide pulse flow settings. This includes the FreeStyle® Comfort® and Eclipse 5® portable oxygen concentrators. Continuous flow delivers oxygen continuously to the patient dosed and prescribed in liters per minute (LPM) by your doctor. It is typically used for at home and during sleep at a minimum. It is also used for portability for patients in disease states that will not allow them to tolerate pulse flow. CAIRE’s Companion 5™ stationary oxygen concentrator offers continuous flow settings for at home use. The Eclipse 5 portable oxygen concentrator offers continuous flow options for portability.
How do I know that I can use pulse flow for portable oxygen therapy?Pulse flow must be prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor or respiratory therapist can perform tests to establish if pulse flow is sufficient to maintain your oxygen during activity.
Where can I buy my portable oxygen concentrator or stationary device?Click this link to redirect to our distibutors page.
Do I need a prescription for an oxygen therapy device?Yes. Oxygen is considered a prescription drug and a prescription from your doctor must be presented to receive an oxygen therapy device. Your prescription generally will specify your flow rates for continuous or pulse flow use.
Can I travel with my oxygen concentrator on an airplane?Yes. All CAIRE portable oxygen concentrators meet FAA guidelines which means you can carry on a commercial flight. Read our Travel Info Kit where you will find tips for traveling by air.
Can I travel with my oxygen concentrator in a motor vehicle?Yes. All CAIRE portable oxygen concentrators are functional in your car and can be charged or operated on motor vehicle (DC) power.
Why is a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) better than a traditional oxygen cylinder?A portable oxygen concentrator offers patients more freedom and time away from home. Oxygen cylinders have a limited supply of oxygen and require the patient to carry multiple tanks or limit their time away from home based on their supply of oxygen. With a POC you never have to worry about running out of oxygen because they run and recharge on both wall outlet (AC) and motor vehicle (DC) power. Oxygen concentrators also allow you to maximize travel because they meet FAA guidelines which allows you to carry it on a plane, and can be used in the car during road trips. There are no limits on your lifestyle with a POC.
Why should I select a CAIRE oxygen therapy product?CAIRE Inc. is the recognized global brand in oxygen therapy. Our cutting edge technology provides products that are not only easy to use, but provide unlimited ambulation and freedom for our users. All while ensuring that the oxygen you need is always delivered. CAIRE even manufactures products for the military including the SAROSâ„¢ which is essential in transporting injured soldiers to the medical care they need.
What is the difference between stationary and portable oxygen concentrators?A stationary oxygen concentrator is designed to be your at home oxygen therapy device. Using tubing extensions attached to your nasal cannula, mask or other oxygen delivery accessory, you are able to move about doing regular activities. Stationary oxygen concentrators are also used at night for sleep. Stationary oxygen concentrators are larger in size (typically 30 pounds or more) and provide only continuous flow. A portable oxygen concentrator is designed to help you take your oxygen anywhere. This device is wearable – with a shoulder strap, carrying bag or backpack – or is transportable on a wheeled cart for easy navigation. CAIRE’s wearable portable oxygen concentrator featuring pulse dose settings includes the FreeStyle® Comfort®. CAIRE’s portable oxygen concentrator offering both pulse doses and continuous flow settings includes the Eclipse 5®. This portable oxygen concentrator is convenient for everyday use and offers the user an all-in-one device which can be used as a portable and stationary oxygen concentrator depending upon your individual needs. Click this link to learn more about CAIRE’s portfolio of oxygen therapy solutions.
Can I smoke while I’m using my oxygen concentrator?No. Do not smoke or allow anyone to smoke around you when your concentrator is operating. Also, do not allow candles, or open flames in the same room with the device or oxygen-carrying accessories.
What type of maintenance does my oxygen concentrator require?Portable and stationary oxygen concentrators require little to no maintenance. Some units include a gross particle filter that adds additional filtration to the air that enters the concentrator. If your device is equipped with this, it is recommended to clean it once weekly. This only requires running it under soapy water and can be done in a matter of minutes.
How long will my portable oxygen concentrator battery last?Each portable oxygen concentrator offers different battery life options. Your battery length will depend upon your prescription setting and the device you use. Consult your device user manual for specific information.
How do I know if I need supplemental oxygen?Consult with your doctor about any respiratory issues you may be experiencing. Your doctor will run tests to determine if oxygen therapy is right for you.
How often do I use my oxygen?Your doctor will specify how much oxygen you should receive during the day and while you are sleeping.
Can I drive a car while using oxygen?Yes. All CAIRE portable oxygen concentrators can be operated with motor vehicle (DC) power. You also can recharge your battery while using CAIRE concentrators in the car.
How do I care for my nasal cannula and tubing?The tubing and cannula are disposable and should be replaced at regular intervals to ensure cleanliness.
How do I know if it is working?All CAIRE concentrators have both visual and audible alarm systems to alert you if there is an issue with the device, or when the battery needs recharging. As long as no alarms are active, your device is functioning properly. Consult your individual product manual for specific alarm conditions.
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